Evolution Of Health

Work With Me

Hundreds of thousands of women, just like us, have struggled with symptom after symptom, showing up year after year sometimes, only to be told the implants cannot be the problem. Too many of you will have waited so long to finally seek out real help, that by the time you get here, your quality of life has diminished significantly.

My name is Andi Stenger, and I’m a Double Board Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition and Holistic Health Practitioner, Breast Implant Illness and Detoxification Expert, and the founder of Evolution of Health, where we look at healing from a completely different perspective than our mainstream, conventional medical and pharmaceutical sick-care counterparts.

The way we have cared for ourselves and our loved ones generation to generation, has innocently gone from the simplicity of living healthy lives in healthy, clean environments, to living chaotic and stressful unhealthy lives, in poisonous, toxic environments; the latter of which has evolved in perfect harmony with big medical and pharmaceutical industry.

I’m expertly trained in functional lab analysis and use the data from your lab results, and every other relevant detail about you to create your custom protocol.

My work is dedicated to assisting your body in its natural and holistic processes to remove toxins and heal itself as we were all born to do. And my goal is to teach you how to maintain this lifestyle so that you can get back to living your purpose in life, with all the focus and energy you need to do that.

“Whether you’re just looking for some help getting started, or coming from years of brain fog, gut issues, hair loss, anxiety or debilitating chronic illness and need long term, comprehensive guidance ...
I am here to work with you every step of the way and in the right order.”


breast implant illness
100% Commitment 

This is an absolute necessity in any healing protocol. I’m not here to tell you what to do. Our work together will help me find bio-individual solutions for your body’s very individual and unique situation. There is no one-size-fits-all.


My work consists of deep functional analysis of your detailed data, including histories and labs, creation of your custom bio-individual healing and detoxification protocols and walking you through it every step of the way. 


Your work consists of trusting the process, deep commitment to a healing mindset, and showing up genuinely ready to do the work. 

Root Cause Healing

We hear a lot about this nowadays, but, too many practitioners still don’t actually go to the root of the problem. Instead they stay focused on the syndrome, illness or disease which still is not the root of the issue. 

Root cause healing is required to heal from Breast Implant Illness. Removing the implants is removing
one of the roots. But healing the damage and cleaning up what was left behind is equally important.

We’ll design healing and detoxification protocols to meet your body where it is right now, assuring the most gentle and safe process and experience for you. 

Functional Labs Breast Implant Illness
Labs | Comprehensive Histories | Custom Healing + Detoxification Protocols

This process is very detailed, very complex and very thorough. 

  1. Lifestyle and medical histories are gathered
  2. Functional Labs chosen and ran
  3. Custom Healing and Detoxification Protocols developed
breast implant illness
Commitment | Compliance | Trust the process

Once we’ve gathered all the data, functional analyses have been completed and we have a protocol in place, developed just for you and your unique, bio-individual version of Breast Implant Illness, I’ll be there to guide you every step of the way. 

Commitment and compliance form the Healing Mindset that will guide you to true healing and detoxification so you can get back to living a life you love and deserve.

True healing takes time, patience and a commitment to the process that will get you where you want to go.


  • have or had breast implants
  • you are pre or post explant
  • you believe you have breast implant illness
  • you are 100% committed to healing yourself 
  • you don’t know where to start
  • you’re ready to do the work
  • have tried working w/primary care doctors and specialists w/minimal success
  • you are ready to turn your life around
  • you want this to be the last time you seek help


  • BIA-ALCL lymphoma
  • hair loss
  • brain fog
  • memory loss
  • cognitive decline
  • fatigue
  • weight gain
  • chronic inflammation
  • insomnia
  • premature aging
  • joint pain
  • dry eyes
  • vision loss
  • adrenal dysfunction
  • skin issues | rashes
  • allergic reactions
  • food sensitivities
  • muscle pain/weakness
  • chronic Lyme
  • autoimmune diseases
  • mold illness
  • heavy metal toxicity
  • nutrition deficiencies
  • malnutrition
  • maldigestion
  • fibromyalgia
  • Epstein Barr Disease
  • hypothyroid
  • hyperthyroid
  • hormone dysfunction
  • immune  dysfunction
  • low sex drive
  • early menopause
  • exercise intolerance
  • slow healing
  • pancreatitis
  • POTS
  • Hashimoto’s
  • cancer
  • acid reflux/GERD
  • vertigo
  • excessive phlegm 
  • IBS
  • IBD
  • nausea
  • gastritis
  • leaky gut
  • SIBO
  • fever
  • night sweats
  • heat intolerance
  • dehydration
  • chest pain
  • shortness of breath
  • pain/burning 
  • liver dysfunction
  • gallstones
  • kidney dysfunction
  • migraine
  • headaches
  • bacterial overgrowth
  • candida/yeast 
  • viral infection
  • urinary tract infection
  • ringing in ears
  • heart palpitations
  • anxiety
  • panic attack
  • depression
  • food allergies
  • swollen lymph nodes
  • metallic taste 
  • blood pressure issues
  • MS
  • lymphomas
  • sarcomas
  • mental issues
  • loss of identity
  • can’t get out of bed
  • feel like you’re dying


  • finally begin a true healing process and feel better
  • go through a proper detoxification in the right order
  • stop spending all of your time and money trying to figure out what’s wrong with you!

Why Work With Me?

The key to healing from Breast Implant Illness is not as complicated as one might think. But it does take a skilled and experienced practitioner to understand it, and provide proper guidance when it comes to going in the right order, and doing so in a safe and gentle way that avoids side-effects, complications, or even set-backs. 


We start here:


  • Prepare the body for surgery 

  • Remove the implants

  • Identify damage

  • Identify systems experiencing dysfunction

  • Identify all additional hidden stressors to the body

  • If relevant – Identify genetic predispositions

  • Heal and reverse the damage

  • Restoring function to the body’s systems

  • Safely and gently remove toxins in the right order


This process takes time and requires commitment, patience and a healing mindset. It’s not a quick fix, but it absolutely can be done.


We don’t work with bandaid remedies to cover up symptoms, or one-size-fits-all protocols that don’t really work for anyone. 


And while we do work in the proper order, we do not expect healing to happen in a straight line. We stand ready for hiccups in the process, ready to reassess and ready to tweak and course correct when necessary. We stand ready to address everything that comes up for you in your very unique and individual healing journey. 


Identifying the damage and system dysfunction is essential to healing and can be difficult if you are trying to figure it out on your own. 


And while it can be a significant investment to work with a trained, experienced and skilled practitioner, it will almost always  get you results faster, with far less frustration and yes, even at a far lesser expense than doing it on your own. 

We start with detailed lifestyle and medical histories and with the right lab testing for you. It’s not uncommon to be dealing with many root causes at the same time, none of which, outside the obvious presence of breast implants, are easy to find.


  • Hormone Dysregulation
  • Immune System Dysregulation
  • Impaired Digestion
  • Impaired Detoxification Pathways
  • Mitochondrial Dysfunction (Energy)
  • Nervous System Dysregulation
  • Oxidative Stress + Systemic Inflammation
  • Impaired Methylation Pathways


  • Mold exposure
  • Heavy metal exposure
  • Chemical exposure
  • EMF exposure
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Chronic Stress 
  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Bacterial, viral, fungal overgrowth
  • Lyme, EBV, Long COVID
  • Parasite infection
  • Toxic light exposure (screens, LED lights)
  • Toxic relationships
  • Mental predisposition
  • and more



The first step is to complete all intake paperwork so we can get to our Discovery Session and order labs.


This is our first deep dive into your intake paperwork, lifestyle and medical history, and will help determine what labs we need to see in order to begin identifying damage, dysfunction, and hidden stressors. This session is super important because it lays the foundation for creating your unique, custom to your needs, healing and detoxification protocols. 



After our discovery session, labs will be drop-shipped to you for completion as instructed.


Your package time (3–18 months) begins on the day of your first R+R session. This is when you’ll finally get that detailed look at what is going on inside your body and what needs to be addressed. This is the day you’ll begin your custom protocol.
Depending on your package, and how many labs we run, you may have more than one of these sessions. R+Rs are between 30–90 minutes and depend upon the complexity of your case. 

This session will include your comprehensive functional analysis and symptom correlation as well as your custom healing and detoxification protocols. 

Depending on your case, healing and detoxification protocols may or may not be started at the same time. 

Remember this can be a very slow process and if you are sensitive, or have been experiencing chronic illness, you will likely be moving at an even slower, more gentle pace – and that is ok!



These sessions serve several purposes. We’ll meet every 2–6 weeks for 30 minutes for the duration of your package (3–18 months). We’ll evaluate progress, troubleshoot and course correct if needed. 

And, I’ll be here to provide accountability and expert guidance throughout your healing and detoxification journey, every step of the way.


These sessions occur about every 3 months and in the case of our 3 month package you will only have one of these sessions at the end, at which point you will be offered the opportunity to continue on with me or to continue working on your own, which is totally doable and ok!


At our final session, we will have a plan in place for you to maintain your new healing lifestyle and continue on with detoxification if necessary. 

After working with me, you will be able to do this on your own! 

It’s important you understand that in order to maintain your body’s renewed ability to continue healing and detoxing, the lifestyle changes and new habits you formed will need to remain priorities in your life. Once you are healed, it’s important you remain committed to taking care of your body, and I will have taught you exactly how to do that.


Each of my clients will receive a complimentary 15 minute, one year re-evaluation. 





breast implant illness
breast implant illness
breast implant illness