What IS The Evolution Of Health In 2021?

What IS The Evolution Of Health In 2021?

When I started this blog, I had absolutely no idea it would need to go in the direction I’m about to take it. You probably have some idea what I mean by that. After all, let’s be honest, 2020 changed everything.

Over the years, I have wanted to share literally every discovery, every health revelation I’ve stumbled across when it came to getting and staying healthy, including how to avoid running to the doctor for every sniffle, never mind the secrets to fixing things your doctor insisted there was no cure for or worse, didn’t actually exist.

How many of us have had a problem, an issue, an ailment that seemed medical in nature, that couldn’t be explained? You go to the doctor, even a so-called specialist, but your problem remains a mystery? It’s all in your head, they’d insisted. They’d been willing to write you a script for meds to make you feel better about it, but find out what’s causing it? Not a chance.

So this blog started as a future database, a storage facility, if you will, for everything I’d learned and continue to learn, personally and professionally, from anecdotal biohacking experiments I’d conducted on myself, to the structured guidance I’d learned how to give, and the evidence I found represented in respected peer reviewed scientific and medical journals. A curated mix of all the best information I could find would live here. Not just for you, but for me. I would no doubt need to be able to refer back to this information along my own healing journey.

So, when I started this blog, I’d already had quite a history with the Medical Establishment (as noted here), and I always knew I wanted to share my experiences with anyone who could learn from my mistakes. It would be worth it if one person could avoid being fooled the way I had been. I was never sure of what would come of my effort, but I have always felt a calling to help others at least avoid the mistakes.

Where we are now, though, is a different place than I ever imagined we would be in the year 2021.

While I still intend to provide guidance to women suffering and healing from Breast Implant Illness, over the last two years it has become so obvious that there is so much more that needs addressing. Living in America has become so different than I ever imagined it could be. A free country, interfering in the doctor-patient relationship. What?

I’ve always known that, for me, Breast Implant Illness is just a piece of the puzzle. I’ve known, for a long time that I would have them removed and detox from them, and then hopefully help others do the same. I knew it could end up being quite a process, that Breast Implant Illness means there are likely many issues to address, and I would.

Without getting too deep into a story, I just happened to be put on my surgeon’s schedule right before lockdowns and cancellations of “elective surgeries” started happening in early 2020. Looking back, the fact that I was scheduled, postponed, rescheduled and finally got the surgery I’d waited so long for just seems like a pure miracle.

I was in the first wave of “elective surgeries” that was allowed to happen in 2020 after the declaration that there was a pandemic. I did have to have two COVID tests, but I was lucky not to have tested positive, or God-forbid, be subject to the vaccination mandate. I got my life-saving surgery before there was the danger of not being allowed to have a life saving surgery without a vaccination! Not to mention, in the event of needing blood, having to take blood from a vaccinated donor. Does anyone know if you would even be allowed to receive blood in a hospital if you’re not vaccinated? Can you request not to receive vaccinated blood? What a scary prospect.

Ok, ok, so, obviously I could go pretty deep into what I could have or would have possibly faced if I hadn’t gotten the surgery when I did. The whole experience, and looking at what could have been has been life changing. I have never been someone who has felt fear out of whether or not hospitalization would be an option for me. But, in 2017, my youngest did have an accident that involved going down the stairs in a laundry basket and landed him in surgery to repair a broken funny-bone. If me or a family member needs this kind of attention in the future, will we be denied because we are unvaccinated?

Let me state, for the record, I am anti-vax, FOR ME and my kids. I am not anti-vax for anyone who chooses to be vaccinated; I am a Libertarian and this is an ideological position. But I have lived with the stigma, the black cloud of being an “anti-vaxer” for many years prior to the COVID Vax Scare of 2021. I’ve been shamed by family and acquaintances, but, mostly by my brother, who spoke to me as if I were a legit lunatic – called me a Charlatan, told me that I was anti-vax because I didn’t understand how vaccines worked, also that if I did understand how they worked, I wouldn’t be anti-vax, blah, blah, blah. I’m not going to go into how basic that argument is or how ridiculous and simple minded you have to be to think it’s always going to be a mis-understanding when it comes to anti-vaxers. Also, I decide for me, always.

I guess my kids got lucky, that I don’t care what anyone else thinks about me, or about what they think I should do. I stand strong on my freedom, my body and my responsibility to my kids well being. I stand strong on my responsibility to get them from the womb to adulthood with a solid understanding of what it really means to be healthy. I stand strong on my responsibility to teach them about the innate immune system they were born with. I stand strong on my responsibility to undo any crap they learned in school as it became clear over a number of years that public school was just a part of the process to get kids from childhood to adulthood with a solid trust in pharmaceuticals, doctors who offered bandaids and temporary coverups for preventable disease without any real teaching or curriculum involving and agenda that actually gets them into the golden years with some level of functionality, let alone an optimal and even higher level of functionality. hmm. Yeah, all of that.

And this is where I was before the great Covid-19 Indoctrination Project came about. After? Well, that’s where my redirection on what the Evolution Of Health means. Before COVID I knew that there was a need for guidance for people who were sick of being sick. For people who didn’t want to sign up for life-long well-checks starting at birth for their babies. For parents who didn’t want to sign up for 172 shots and counting, as directed by their pediatricians, with expectations of 100% compliance. For people who really just wanted to know how to live a clean and healthy life, in general. And especially for those who wanted – desperately needed – to escape the disease-manager business model they’d be trapped in for life if they didn’t have someone holding their hand.

Now I know this is needed more than ever.

And now, I know my purpose. Not that I didn’t know before. I guess now, it’s just more important, more urgent.

So that’s where we are going with this.


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