Waiting On “The Science”

Waiting On “The Science”

How many of you blindly trust those who tell you, “it’s science?” 

Blind trust in something based on some random trusted authority insisting “it’s science,” is as logical as blindly trusting a prophecy in the Book of Revelation. In other words, it’s not logical at all. 

What is this “science” everyone is talking about? 

The words of the entitled, condescending, know-it-all-GenZ (and their disciples), dripping with sarcasm daggers, have become the theme of 2021: I trust the science. Spoken with disdain, from a pedestal, of course. They look down on you with pity, and shame of your obvious stupidity.

This obviously started in 2020 with, well, YOU know. But, really it only ended up highlighting how easy it really is to indoctrinate them. 

The virtue signaling, bleeding hearts (and their disciples) …

…needed something else to feel important about. Something to confirm mommy and daddy’s lies — you can do no wrongyou’re the smartestyou are always rightsarcasm and condescension is the new—> respect for eldersyou.are.brilliant.

 Are you laughing yet?  

The science they are talking about doesn’t even exist because they are confusing the word science with the word fact. Science does not equal fact. If it were only that simple. Is there such a thing as scientific fact? Sure. But that’s not what they are talking about. Scientific facts only come about after the application of the scientific method to a hypothesis. No worries! The GenZs who are spewing the theme of 2021 (I trust the science) don’t know what science is, never mind the scientific method or a hypothesis. They are a product of, you guessed it, public school indoctrination, which didn’t have an actual science class. No, they were too busy pumping out propaganda on “climate change,” animal rights, the importance of GMOs in ending hunger, vaccine agendas and figuring out what to do about the overpopulation crisis. Science, would have had kids learning to question all of these pretend emergencies.

By the way, if you’re GenZ and this doesn’t apply to you, you’re not offended. More likely you’re embarrassed by your peers, rightfully so. And don’t make the mistake that all of this theme spewing (I trust the science) applies only to GenZ, it doesn’t. There are plenty of GenX (my generation), Millennial & Boomers who are fully submerged in this bullshit as well. GenZ just seems to be proudly leading the way.

So here I am, waiting on the science. They say, “I trust the science,” but cannot tell me what it is. The science they trust, OR what science actually is. 

Waiting on the science is not a great idea. It seems that it will only lead us all to being involuntary participants (lab rats) in a giant, absolutely unnecessary experiment. I don’t know about you, but I just have no interest in that. 

So what can we do? I’m going to do my best to help each and every person who wants to help themselves. There is no government, authority, agency, doctor, nurse or practitioner responsible for your health. None responsible for mine or my kids, but me. I take responsibility for me. I decide what’s best for me. I navigate this toxic world, doing my best, the same as you. 

MY best has me optimistic. My best has me living THE truth: The best education in the world teaches us to question everything. I have and I will keep on. 

What’s your best?

Are you going to keep waiting on the science? Or are you going to figure out what your best is for you? It’s not your job to save the world. It’s your job to take care of you. 

What is your best?


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