Genetic Predisposition + Breast Implant Illness
Is it possible to be genetically predisposed to Breast Implant Illness?
Is it possible to be genetically predisposed to Breast Implant Illness?
When it comes to your health, what is the difference between conventional medical treatment and the alternatives in the functional space? A lot, actually. And maybe you’ve already been through the conventional medical treatment ringer. If you’re reading this, I’d guess that’s quite likely. While my blog is mostly about …
But first, a little disclaimer. Healing can be tough. It can be really tough to get through on your own. And it’s not always as easy as checking off the boxes. On my website and in my social media posts and videos, I will always try to make it as …
If you’re brand new to the idea of Breast Implant Illness, you may be wondering how to know if you have it. And if you do have it, what now? Like, what are you supposed to do now that you find yourself in this predicament? Do you know how many …
As we all know, living with breast implant illness can mean living with a bunch of other random mystery illnesses. The sudden appearance of autoimmune diseases and manifestation of a bizarre set recurring symptoms just to name a few. It is darn confusing to say the least. How Many Mystery …