Waiting For Lu Jean Feng

Waiting For Lu Jean Feng

April 2019

It’s been 17 years since I made one of the worst decisions of my life. When I tell you what it was, you might not be able to grasp the weight of it because it doesn’t seem that bad….unless you’ve made the same mistake, some time has passed and you now realize, uh yeah…. mistake.

Ok, let’s be honest. The title of this article really is a dead give away. And if you clicked on it not already knowing, well.. you must really want to know some stuff about me. haha.. that’s ok. ANYWAY. 

Lu Jean Feng is a world renowned microvascular plastic and reconstructive surgeon. My interest in her had originally to do with the fact that she was a well known and highly recommended explant surgeon whose clinic is located in Ohio, which is where I happened to be.  

What’s an explant?

Oh. Yeah. That’s a removal of breast implants. 

So in April of 2019, after years of knowing I’d eventually do it, never having the courage to commit. 

Funny, I really thought it was that simple. Make a call. Schedule a consultation. Get on the schedule. Surgery—> done. I genuinely believed that six months later, the whole thing would be a bad memory.  

So I made the call. Left a message. Hmm. 

Early May 2019

Several weeks later. Nothing. 

So I decided to go online and make a web inquiry. There we go. I received an email back just a few hours later explaining the first step in my “journey” would be to watch some videos regarding the procedure and ONLY THEN give them a call and give health history which would be given to Linda, Dr. Feng’s CEO (?). So I watched the videos and made the call, left a message. 

June 2019

It was many weeks before I heard back — I remember it was close to my birthday. I’ll admit I felt a rush of adrenaline when I saw the caller ID Lu Jean Feng Clinic. I had to hurry and take the call in private as all of my kids still lived at home and none of them knew of any of this madness! 

This call was pretty comprehensive with the questions, everything from history to all the symptoms I’d been experiencing over the years, how they’d progressed, what I’d done that seemed to help, what didn’t help, etc. It was about a twenty minute call, at the end of which I was told that I could expect a call back from Linda regarding pricing and availability.

OMG it’s getting real. 

July 2019

Phone call. Left a message. And, I sent an email to touch base. I hadn’t heard from Linda and I was getting antsy. I really wanted to get the surgery scheduled for fall 2019 and knew she had a waiting list, which I was really already on — just waiting for that phone call back from Linda. No answer to that email. 

August 2019

Another phone call. And this time I called a few times as I’d seen some women who’d waited less time than I had suddenly have surgery dates. No call backs. I sent another email. I’m really starting to feel like one of my implants is leaking — I swear my right boob is getting smaller. Am I paranoid? I just want them out. I’m starting to loose hope. 

December 2019

I’ve called many times this month. No return call. I understand maybe I’m not a priority — that there are women who are bedridden waiting for this surgery. I get it. But I am not getting any better. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do at this point. Am I stuck with these damn things?

January 2020

I’ve started looking for another surgeon and I am happy to say I found a possible option, much closer than Dr. Feng who is in Cleveland (6 hours away). I made a call to Midwest Breast in Columbus (only 2 hours away) and I am scheduled for a consultation with Dr. Tiwari on February 21, 2020. Oh my gosh I am so relieved. 

I also made an appointment with a new Functional Doctor to basically hold my hand through all of this. It’s on the same day… it’s going to be a long day, but I’m so happy to be moving forward. 

I’m on edge.

Friday, February 21, 2020

I saw my new functional doctor today, explained my situation, including that I would be seeing a surgeon later today. My appointment with Dr. Tiwari was actually in Dayton — so only an hour drive. When I showed up for my appointment, I actually ran into Dr. Tiwari outside who said he needed to leave due to a family issue he was having, but he referred me to his partner, Dr. Kocak. 

All I remember is that he said he could do it, that he would do it — the right way, and that he could probably do it in the next 5 or so weeks. WHAT? Oh my gosh. 

I went home and waited for the call from the scheduler to let me know his availability. I can’t believe it’s happening!

Monday, February 24, 2020

I get the call. I’m scheduled for April 9, 2020. 

I am ecstatic. 

I’m still on Dr. Lu Jean Feng’s waiting list. I have the most respect for her in the world, and will still refer people to her, but I have got to get on with my life. I’m putting my faith and trust in Dr. Kocak. Let’s go. I’m ready.

Now I have to tell my kids. 

To Be Continued… 


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