Living With Breast Implant Illness: MUCH More Complicated Than We Ever Knew

Living With Breast Implant Illness: MUCH More Complicated Than We Ever Knew

As we all know, living with breast implant illness can mean living with a bunch of other random mystery illnesses. The sudden appearance of autoimmune diseases and manifestation of a bizarre set recurring  symptoms just to name a few. It is darn confusing to say the least.

How Many Mystery Illnesses Can One Person Have?

What many women don’t realize is that often times, most in fact, breast implants are just one of the problems. And, WHILE IT’S TRUE, that you may not have developed any of the mystery symptoms had you not gotten the implants in the first place, the presence of the implants have complicated things on another level. What I mean by this is that somewhere along the way, your body became incapable of detoxing as needed, and in response began attempting to put out a bunch of fires, one at a time, reacting to perceived threats. How do you know that this is happening? One word: SYMPTOMS

Every symptom you ever have is your body’s response to a perceived threat. 

What is a perceived threat and how is a symptom my body’s response? I’m so glad you asked. Because, it’s important that you understand this.

Think of a scratch on your skin. There are a few symptoms associated with a scratch, but let’s talk about two that are most noticeable and best examples to use for the purpose of this topic: pain and redness. Pain is a symptom that tells you that you’ve been injured. It alerts you to be careful not to let anything irritate it and maybe even to protect it. Redness is a sign of internal inflammation. In the case of an injury, inflammation is good. You want inflammation, temporarily. Redness on the outside is proof your immune system is doing its job, sending out the troops to start cleaning up the scene. Blood flushes the area in an attempt to keep outside pathogens from getting in, white blood cells take care of anything that does get in. They protect you from both infection and foreign bodies such as dust/dirt. 

We’re Not Talking About A Scratch

Now, imagine your body’s response to breast implants. Not the initial response to surgery which is to an actual bodily trauma, but the their presence once the injuries have been attended to. The very first thing that happens once implants are placed in your body is the formation of a capsule, or scar tissue, surrounding the implant. This is a protective measure carried out by your body which places scar tissue between you and the implant. Your immune system does not want that implant there. 

Sometimes fairly soon after implant, your body starts to have a major amount of trouble functioning normally due to a combination of things including an inability to detox, a state of heightened inflammation & nutrient deficiencies. This results in symptoms. Everyone experiences symptoms at a different rate and in a different way. In other words, everyone is different. This is probably the one reason so many fail to get better after explant. 

There is no magic bullet to heal from Breast Implant Illness.

There is no one-size-fits-all “cure.” To truly heal from breast implant illness, you must remove the toxins causing the problems, heal the gut, reestablish nutritional status, and begin to strengthen your body, returning it to it’s original state of innate intelligence. Take away the perceived threats and give your body what it needs to heal and rebuild, and it will. 

Your Body’s Innate Intelligence Has Been Shut Down

When you are born, your body’s innate intelligence takes care of everything for you. Exposure to toxins? Body clears that up for you. All pathways of elimination are pretty clean at birth. But the body requires maintenance. It requires energy, in the form of food, and from that food it pulls nutrients it needs to keep everything running smoothly. 

As we age, we are exposed to more and more toxins, in our food, in our yards, in the water, the air, products, the basic things all humans are exposed to. But then some of us are exposed to the most toxic of toxins. Lyme, amalgam fillings (mercury), chronic use of antibiotics (this happens a lot as a child with ear infections), exposure to viruses that are well known to wreak lifelong havoc for some people (Epstein Barr, HSV, Shingles, etc.), the self-inflicted BOTOX and other injectable cosmetics and tattoos.

Many of these toxins still don’t cause major problems for the body in the form of noticeable symptoms. But when you start stacking these toxins on top of each other, mark my words, your body starts to scream for help. Thats when you’re going start seeing problems: symptoms. Implants alone may never cause you a problem. But implants with amalgam fillings, or BOTOX, or living in a moldy house… And then if you ever had mono as a kid, here comes the chronic reactivated EBV. Maybe you had a tick bite that never caused any issues — here comes the chronic Lyme. There are many combinations of possibilities for intoxication. And when you pair these with stress caused by circumstances whether that’s your job, your relationships, maybe your symptoms, and then add to that genetic predispositions, maybe long term use of pharmaceuticals for depression or anxiety… 

You’re starting to wonder: Why am I gaining so much weight and can’t get it off? What is going on with my skin? Why am I so tired all the time? And WHY IS MY HAIR FALLING OUT?

You Are Drowning In A Toxic Soup

And here’s the cold, hard, truth: 

You will only get better once you clear the way for your body to heal itself. 

This is worth repeating because 1, you have some work to do and 2, a major commitment to make, SO…

You will only get better once you clear the way for your body to heal itself. 

If you haven’t already, it’s time to look at what else might be going on besides the implants.

Find out what’s between you and true healing.


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