Intro To Drainage | Preparing The Body For Detoxification

Intro To Drainage | Preparing The Body For Detoxification

When it comes to healing from Breast Implant Illness, we’ve all been eager to get to the detox protocol. Unfortunately, most of us probably didn’t understand detoxification in a way that would help us succeed like we expected. 


Your explant surgeon, your primary care physician, your rheumatologist or autoimmune specialist, will generally be clueless if you ask about how to detox. 


This is not their area of expertise.


Many of us thought it was no big thing, that our bodies would just detox on its own after explant, like it is supposed to. That’s right, your body does know how to detox itself. And for a lot of us, the first red flag will be when we try to help it along and things go really wrong. 


Who’s already tried this and found out?


It didn’t work, OR 

It made you worse


These two outcomes can be very discouraging and honestly make you want to keep your distance from anything considered a detox protocol. 


The truth is, sometimes we need to give our bodies a lot of support in order to have a smooth and minimally disruptive experience when it comes to detoxification. 


You’ve got to be willing to learn how to offer gentle support, to understand how it works, have patience, commit to the process, and do the work. 


And there really is no way around that. 


Healing and detoxification really go hand in hand. Detoxification is necessary to fully heal the body, but some healing is also required in order for the body to be able to fully detox itself. 


As long as you have toxic buildup in your cells, you will not heal completely. And, you will likely always have unpleasant symptoms, even if a basic detox or cleanse is temporarily successful. 


This is why it is so necessary to learn how to do it right, and in the right order.  


Detoxification is a little bit complicated, but not as complicated as you might think.


Once you learn how to properly support your body in the detoxification process, you’ll be able to do it anytime you need, for the rest of your life.


You Might Be Wondering


When can I start? → ASAP

Can I start before explant? → YES




Know this: You will never be 100% successful without removing the implants. 


Can you get better? → Yes, you can get better. But this is temporary and it is still necessary to remove the implants if you want to heal.. 


Remember, patience is a virtue. And, everything takes time, and the right mindset. So if you are still pre-explant, there are some things you can do right now to start the healing process.


Preparing your body to release toxins it may have been holding onto for years or even decades is going to be the number one thing I recommend to all of my clients and anyone who is pre or post-explant and wants to know where to start. 




You may have heard “start with drainage” somewhere, and that would be wise advice, but WHAT IS IT?


There are a lot of articles out there on it, but it still sounds complicated and I’ve barely heard a practical reason why it is the most important place to start. 


So, I hope this answer is as clear as it gets:


Drainage refers to the constant flow and exit of wastes, draining out of your body – is the easiest way to put it. 


This is just what it sounds like. It’s literally how the body processes anything and everything it comes into contact with whether that’s eating, drinking, breathing, injecting, absorbing through skin or other bodily contact. 


This processing of substances that enter the body involves keeping and using what’s needed such as essential nutrients, and eliminating the rest. 


Every organ, tissue and cell has mechanisms which facilitate proper drainage. Drainage is happening all the time. There is a standard process that occurs whenever anything enters the body, and this is the natural state of flow. 


This natural state of flow includes the most familiar methods of wastes exiting the body, such as breathing, sweating, peeing and pooping. And while those drainage pathways, the lungs, the skin, the bladder and the colon are all very important in the drainage pathways, they are all at the very end.


So, while it may seem like drainage is flowing like it’s supposed to, oftentimes flow gets jammed up long before it gets to the end. After a while, this can result in slow drainage, clogged drainage and eventually to the body attempting to compensate by storing toxins and waste products in the organs including the brain, and in both the muscle and fat tissues of the body. 


Maybe you’ve seen this before, but here is a super simple depiction of the body’s drainage funnel. The top represents where natural flow and drainage begins. 


The cells are always busy eliminating waste from the substances we’re constantly exposed to through breathing, eating, drinking, absorbing, etc. But, they have their own waste products they need to get rid of as well. The cells house the mitochondria, which make the energy out of the fuel (food) provided. And, as we know, the creation of energy produces physical waste products, even on a cellular level. These waste products must be able to flow naturally down through the drainage funnel in order to prevent clogging and/or storage of these waste products somewhere else in the body.


Hopping down to the bottom of the drainage funnel we see the colon. Let’s talk about how the colon can be a red flag for whether or not drainage is flowing appropriately. 


If you’re not pooping two to three times per day, or at least once after every meal, this is a major sign that there are some drainage flow issues upstream, or further up the funnel from the colon. This could mean there are issues with the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, kidneys or the lymphatic system. Organs, tissues and cells may not be doing their jobs optimally due to storage of toxins and waste products, and the cells are also getting backed up due the stagnation happening down the rest of the drainage funnel. 


And this is why when we say “start with drainage,” it is super important that you understand this means, start with the colon and work your way up that funnel. The colon is the bottom of the drain and must be open and flowing, which means that it is moving waste daily and frequently.




Let’s get to answering some questions about this:


What happens if I don’t start with drainage?


You will have ROTTEN symptoms. Starting a detox protocol, or adding anything, whether it is a modality or a supplement or action that gets toxins moving around your body is a huge mistake if those toxins don’t have a way to get out of your body.


I’m already pooping once a day – my drainage is fine, right?


Maybe. Once per day is not enough for me to advise starting a full blown detox protocol. I would still encourage getting that up to at least 2X per day to avoid symptoms.


How will I know if drainage pathways are blocked?


Symptoms (even before starting a detoxification protocol):

  • constipation
  • diarrhea 
  • any kind of rash on the skin including acne
  • dry/oily skin
  • frequent headaches
  • feelings of exhaustion/fatigue
  • muscle/joint pain
  • inability to sweat
  • anxiety/depression

If you don’t have any symptoms to begin with, but then start a detox protocol and start getting symptoms, this is a sign your drainage pathways are not open and flowing the way you need them to be for the speed you are dumping/pulling toxins from cells, tissues, organs. 

It’s important to provide support to all of the organs, tissues and cells in the drainage systems so that they can all do their parts, draining and contributing to the natural flow at their most optimal level. 

Some of us have been accumulating toxins, build up and blockages for many years and even decades. 

Getting the drainage flow moving is extremely important, but it can take time and that is ok!



The proper way to begin opening up the drainage pathways and encouraging a return to the natural state of flow your body is made to operate with, is going to be to first, offer gentle support to the colon, kidneys, liver and gallbladder, as well as to the mitochondria.


We offer support to the organs/pathways at the bottom of the funnel and to the energy producers inside the cells at the same time because it is extremely important that there is enough energy to increase the flow through the stagnation that has likely been present for a while. 


Opening the drainage pathways can and should be done pre-explant if possible. Please note that there are some supplements and modalities that should be avoided prior to explant.




There are many wonderful supplements which can be used to increase drainage flow and opening these pathways. But there are also many products and companies that are questionable to say the least. 


So, I can only recommend the products either listed here, or specifically recommended in an individual protocol which I create for a client. 


I also recommend a binder at all steps of this process. 


Think of a binder as a mop that comes along and mops up the debris from this process – anything that gets knocked loose or starts moving in the natural flow, we want to get bound up and carried out, not recirculated. 


This part is important so DO NOT think you can start moving things around and not have a binder in the mix to clean up. 


BE WARNED proceeding without the use of a binder could cause extremely unpleasant symptoms.




Master Amino Acid Pattern

Cellcore CT Minerals

BioImmersion Energy

Cellcore BC-ATP


Distilled Water




Cellcore Bowel Mover







Cellcore KL Support

Cellcore Advanced TUDCA


Castor Oil Pack

Coffee Enema (also Colon Support)




Cellcore BioToxin Binder


Again, please understand, there are some things you should not be doing while the implants are still in your body. Therefore, everything listed above is safe for use prior to explant. 


5 Reasons Why You Should Start Opening Pathways Before Explant

  1. Drainage support is a really safe way to encourage your body to increase the natural state of flow on its own.
  2. Open pathways promote efficiency of drainage.
  3. Quicker healing and recovery post-explant.
  4. Jumpstart on your post-explant detox protocol.
  5. Open drainage pathways help to improve nutritional and methylation statuses. I’ve seen hair-loss stop and reverse pre-explant.

There are many things you can do to start the healing process BEFORE the implants come out and most include supporting the body in what’s to come. Preparing for detoxification by making sure the drainage pathways are wide open is not only safe and encouraged, it is the crucial first step.

In my next article in the Detoxification Series we’ll talk about going deeper, when you’re ready, and how to know.


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