I Was In Denial About My Breast Implants and So Are Millions of Women

I Was In Denial About My Breast Implants and So Are Millions of Women

It’s a story I see over and over again and it seems to be by design.

Women with breast implants begin having symptoms. At first, it’s just one. Maybe they don’t even realize it’s an out of the ordinary occurrence: more than usual hair loss in the shower.

Then it’s a few. Excessive hair loss, thinning eyebrows, acne and premature aging, joint pain, insomnia, fatigue.

After that, it’s checking the thyroid – Hashimoto’s? Speculation about autoimmune arthritis. Midlife issues. Standard hormone blood panels that missed estrogen dominance.

The point here is, for some reason, the implants are always the last thing to be considered. And it turns out, if you mention them to your doctor, well, that could be the only thing you ever need to say to throw yourself off the right track for years… even decades.

Now you’re locked in prison with the enemy and you don’t even know it. You’ve been gaslit.

I genuinely don’t remember my first symptom, but I know it didn’t really even occur to me that it could be the implants until, about three years in and I’d gotten the hives for what seemed like no reason. I supposed I was allergic to something in my environment – something I’d eaten or touched. I remember having very sensitive skin as a kid, everything that came into contact with my skin seemed to trigger a reaction.

After a few days, the hives went away and so did my care for what caused them. 

And then, three years later, it happened again. The hives were back. It was a very stressful time for me; we’d lost our dog outside and it was supposed to be below freezing overnight. My adrenaline was pumping for the entire day, trying to find her, and the hives just showed up. This time was different, though. This time, they spread to cover my entire body, head to toe, eyelids, inside my ears, lips and going inside my mouth, every surface of my skin was covered. 

AND – this time they stayed for 9 days. 

Over those 9 days a few important revelations occurred in my life and in my mind.

FirstI went to urgent care after several days in a row of unbearable 24/7 hives. They gave me a shot of prednisone and the hives went away within just a few minutes. They gave me a prescription for prednisone and sent me on my way. I asked if they could tell me what was causing the hives and of course they could not and only recommended I follow up with my doctor. At the time, I was just glad they were gone. 

Two hours later, I hadn’t even filled my prescription yet, and the hives had returned with a vengeance. It was too late to fill the prescription, so off to google I went, where I fell into a rabbit hole of message boards that were many years old and filled with people who had been suffering for years 😳 with the hives, and nightmares about what happens if you get on prednisone😳😳.

The next day, I made an appointment with my doctor. At that time, I still had the hives. By the time I would have my appointment, I’d discovered that while no antihistamine could touch it for 9 days, Zyrtec started to help on the 10th day. And, I showed up at my appointment finally, hive-free.

A week and a half later, after I’d gotten my phD in Google Quackery, I was convinced I must have something that had just been discovered by holistic doctors and was being called leaky gut syndrome. This was in 2008 and there were no real answers yet about this phenomenon – outside of the fact that it was not accepted as a real thing by mainstream medicine. Even the ‘microbiome’ was still pseudoscience back then.

So at my appointment, I was determined to find out what had been the cause of the hives so I could avoid ever having to deal with that again.

But of course she had no answers. She at least ordered every blood test she could think of to dig for answers, which I did appreciate.

On my way out the door, I finally said, “oh hey, by the way, on my intake paperwork, I disclosed that I have breast implants… could they be a problem for me?”

And she said, “absolutely not.”


And so began my journey down the long road of denial, with stop signs every few feet, u-turns, red-lights and dead ends... gas-lit the entire way with deception and lies...

Of course, this was just the beginning for me. It would still be many years of denial, at the time, gratefully so might I add. My doctor had eased my worries, if only just a little bit, by assuring me that the implants weren’t the problem. What a tragic end that would have been, right? What ever would I have done if my doctor would have validated my concern that my implants might be causing problems that didn’t seem even remotely related? 

Stay tuned for Part II of my Breast Implant Illness denial story, where I get deep into the labyrinth of what could possibly be wrong with me… since it wasn’t the implants. It wouldn’t be long before I’d stumble into some health and beauty influencers who’d had the same issues as me! And it wasn’t their implants either!  😳 😐 Who knew?!

If you have a story to share, please email me [andi@evolution-of-health.com], I would love to hear it. 

If you want to know if you have Breast Implant Illness and you’re considering working with a Practitioner, I invite you to schedule your free Breast Implant Illness Analysis to find out if working with me is right for you. I work with women both pre and post explant.


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