Welcome To The Evolution Of Health Blog

Welcome To The Evolution Of Health Blog

Welcome to my blog. My name is Andi and if you haven’t already, you can read more about me here

This blog serves as a place for me to write about anything I want to write about. I have stories and experiences, but I also have expertise. 

Let me first talk here a little bit about how I came up with the term evolution of health… I’m not saying it has never been used, but I’d never heard it and when I said it to myself, it all came together in my head. 

I cannot adequately express, through personal experiences, whether it was me or a family member or one of my kids, my level of absolute disappointment with the how health is addressed, approached, dealt with, learned, taught and understood on this planet. 

For reasons that seem to be purely for profit, the human species has diverged from a natural, evolutionary path of self preservation and survival of the fittest, onto a path paved with instant gratification, distraction and addiction, that ends with chronic disease, unexplained symptoms and mystery illness. This path is the one of least resistance and plagues it’s travelers with a remarkably lower quality of life. 

Using my expertise and my experience, my hope is to teach as many people as I can, to take personal responsibility for their own health and to raise their children to do the same. I hope to at least make a small dent in the gargantuan problem that is chronic and widespread self destructive behavior that is a vicious and seemingly never-ending cycle humans are born into and represents how they will learn to care for themselves. 

The Evolution of Health is my vision for a future where humans are confidant in making health decisions for themselves. They understand that the brilliance and complex genius of the human operating (immune) system cannot be matched by man made synthetics and the bandaid approach. That with proper care and nutrition, humans do not require unnecessary (medical) intervention. 

My respect for and appreciation of medical advances cannot be overstated as I have required lifesaving surgical expertise on more than one occasion, been privileged to receive emergency medical treatment for myself and my children, and humbled by the expertise of the dedicated and genuine servant of humankind, my personal Functional Integrative Primary Care physician. However, I advocate for a lifestyle which prevents devastating preventable disease. Doctors should be looked to for emergencies, rare diseases, and otherwise genuinely defer to and insist on the importance of preventative care. I advocate for clean food, clean water, clean air and clean environments so that the human body can release the burden of man made toxins. I realize these things are not priorities for most people, communities or governments, because, profit…and instant gratification. 

So I will do my part to make the world a better place and promote The Evolution of Health. 


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