Genetic Predisposition + Breast Implant Illness

Genetic Predisposition + Breast Implant Illness

Genetic predisposition has been a hot topic over the past decade. Anyone can run a genetic test nowadays, and that’s not a bad thing. 


The question is → is it a useful or relevant thing?


My answer is ultimately, yes it is useful and it can be very relevant, if you know how to use it. 


Unfortunately, with the increased ease of obtaining one of these tests, a lot of the benefit of having one done is falling by the wayside. 


If you run one of these on yourself and don’t have a solid understanding of what you’re looking for, or a skilled practitioner with expertise in epigenetics to interpret it for you, you can be left with that really anti-climactic feeling like it was all for nothing, or just plain confused. 


When it comes to your health, genetics can be very helpful in providing information regarding how your body is likely to react to the things we all live with. 


Nine times out of ten, you are not born with illness or disease, but exposed to something that triggers a cascade of effects which can lead to illness or disease. 


You can think of genetic predisposition as a warning sign, or as a clue to what has already happened in the case of trying to heal and restore lost function when you are already suffering from symptoms. 




If you are diagnosed with autoimmune disease, it is likely you have a genetic predisposition to react in a particular way to environmental stressors which ultimately lead to autoimmunity.


There are certain genes that make it more likely that you will later be diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. 


Knowing what these genes are responsible for and offering support to those potentially impaired pathways along with avoiding substances and situations which increase suppression or expression of said genes can prevent autoimmunity.


In other words, while genes can predict your odds of dis-ease, your environment is the influence that will make things turn out one way or the other. 




Genetic predisposition, simply put, is the increased or decreased odds of being affected by a particular bodily system dysfunction/malfunction or dis-ease state based upon your genetic SNPs/mutations, when exposed to particular environments.


Genes = odds

Environment = increase or decrease odds


While there are no known, reported upon or even studied genetic predispositions to Breast Implant Illness, it’s not as difficult as you may think to determine genetic predisposition. 


If you have mutations in your detoxification, methylation or nutrient absorption genes, you are simply more likely to be affected by your environment (including the presence of breast implants) than those who do not have those mutations. 


This does not mean that you will absolutely get a disease or have a noticeably negative reaction or symptom. It just means you are more likely to → when exposed to unhealthy/toxic environmental stressors, like breast implants. . 




If you happen to be one of the millions who have genetic SNPs that can make things more difficult, it’s really important to understand how your decisions will affect whether or not your genetic predisposition leads to illness or disease. 


Even if most people don’t understand how or why they happen to be more affected by illness, allergies or diseases than their friends or the world in general, understanding epigenetics could really be a game changer.


For example, if you have mutations in your detoxification genes, you are likely to have some trouble with the natural detoxification systems of the body, *if/when exposed to an overload of toxins.


This makes sense, and explains a lot about why some women don’t seem to be affected by breast implants, while a subset of us have experienced every symptom imaginable. 


Epigenetics is simply the effect your environments/lifestyles/surroundings/exposures have on your genes. 


So – what are you eating? Is it clean? Or are there toxins your body would eventually have a tough time getting rid of? What about your water? Your air? 


And now let’s fast forward past every other possible toxin you come in contact with since birth, and talk about breast implants, which are a source of non-stop exposure to toxins as well as a foreign object which are also antagonizing your immune system for as long as you have them..


That is about as simple as I can make it, but suffice it to say…


→environmental exposures + genetics = how your body reacts


And, depending on your genetic SNPs …


you could be living your best life or…


here reading this article. 




This is such a huge roadblock for so many of us. The ability to really understand how every little thing affects our health. So much of this → it’s just one, one won’t hurt me. Or, it’s such a tiny amount


Or, not knowing or caring at all. 


We’ve all been so hypnotized by mainstream marketing and societal norms. I remember, as a kid, hearing the assurances that food additives and preservatives were safe, that the FDA had our backs, that they were there to make sure everything was fine for human consumption. Colors and synthetic additives and artificial flavors are ALL OVER the food – especially food meant for kids. 


This is tragic.


And, once you realize it, it is still almost impossible to break free of the spell you’ve been living under. 


All of that [and we’re only just talking about the garbage in food right now] affects gene expression. And all of it damages your body’s natural ability to detoxify and keep itself healthy. 


From the time you’re born, you’re being nickel and dime’d with a million little exposures, essentially growing up submerged in a toxic soup.


Look at all of the dysfunction, syndromes, diseases, learning disabilities, autoimmune conditions, asthma, eczema, allergies, food sensitivities, personality disorders, mental illnesses – all normal and accepted as just things that happen to some of us. 


These are ALL, epigenetic, and MOSTLY preventable. 


And some, reversible. 


Sadly, we’ve been programmed to believe that our ailments are just facts of life.


Tell someone that you can prepare for a healthy baby by preparing your body to create a healthy baby and they think that is crazy talk.


And tell someone that your body is designed to heal itself, and you are a charlatan. 


I digress.




There is good news, even if it still feels like a pain in the butt, and that is that you are not destined to remain unwell just because you are experiencing the effects of some toxic exposures. 


Genetic predisposition is not your fate or destiny.

You can heal your body and its ability to do its job. 


You can use epigenetics by eliminating, as much as possible, toxic exposures, and instead, expose your body to healing food, air, water, people and environments. 


You can begin to effectively manage stress and provide the support your body needs to heal itself. 


This is what changes genetic expression. 


Interestingly, some people never seem to be affected by toxic environmental exposures. And conversely, some with no obvious genetic predisposition can dirty up their gene expression by exposing themselves to a lot of toxic environments. 


It’s really a gamble – anyone’s guess who will be affected. We as humans are all different. And, no you don’t have to live by a sewage plant or nuclear waste to be overexposed to the toxins that change genetic expression. 


Most people will never realize they are surrounded by toxins influencing their genetic expression. Especially those of us who eat clean, exercise, and live a healthy life


We will mostly believe it must be genetic, and that there is nothing we can do about it.

But the truth is, regardless of whether you were born with genetic predisposition or if you’ve just been over exposed to toxins, it is as simple as taking control of your genetic expression. 


Taking the steps to heal and detoxify and further maintain healthy lifestyles is all most of us will need to vastly improve our quality of life – even after Breast Implant Illness. 


Have you done a genetic test and want to know how your methylation or detoxification genes are likely to express in the presence of breast implants ?


In my practice, I go deep with my clients, as deep as is necessary to get all of the information necessary to unlock all of the healing opportunities, and sometimes, this includes a DNA analysis.


If you already have a genetic test, but you’re still confused about how the information can help you with healing from BII, shoot me an email andi@evolution-of-health.com with the subject line: Detox/Methylation Profile, and I’ll show you how to get your free Detoxification and Methylation reports. It’s not all of the information you’ll ever need, but it’s a good start if you’re doing this on your own.


And of course, if you are just ready to work with a practitioner, please take advantage of my FREE Breast Implant Illness Analysis to find out if working with me is right for you.


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