How To Know If You Have Breast Implant Illness Without a Diagnosis

How To Know If You Have Breast Implant Illness Without a Diagnosis

If you’re brand new to the idea of Breast Implant Illness, you may be wondering how to know if you have it. And if you do have it, what now? 

Like, what are you supposed to do now that you find yourself in this predicament? 

Do you know how many women are facing that question each and every day?! 

According to Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Statistics, there were 365,000 breast augmentations in 2021, which was a 44% increase from 2020. In addition, 148,000 women opted to exchange their old implants for new ones, and that was an increase of 32%. And in the year 2021, 71,000 women explanted and did not replace their implants, also an increase from 2020 by 47%. 

As a rule, I try not to get too far in the weeds on numbers like that since more times than not, those numbers really are kind of irrelevant when you have breast implants and a bunch of symptoms that cannot otherwise be explained or eliminated. It’s like big deal — no one is surprised about how many boob jobs are happening. 

But I did want to demonstrate the sheer volume of women who are jumping into this statistical pool each year, if for no other reason than to say, you are not alone

So back to the question at hand: 

How Do I Know If I Have Breast Implant Illness?

Generally there will be two, maybe three scenarios for those who are reading to this:

  • ONE. You have breast implants and symptoms, and you want to know how to figure out if it’s breast implant illness.
  • TWO. You had breast implants, removed them and you still have symptoms. Now you’re wondering, does that mean it wasn’t breast implant illness?
  • THREE. You’re contemplating getting breast implants and you’ve been warned about breast implant illness and want more information. 

Are You One Of These?

ONE. If you have breast implants and symptoms that either cannot be fully resolved, or continue to get worse —> it doesn’t matter what you call it. Call it breast implant illness, call it autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants, the acronym for which is AISA — this is the technical name for a set of symptoms triggered by the surgical placement of a device inside your body — this includes breast implants and the symptoms are the same — which are, any and all which cannot be fully resolved, or continue to get worse until the device is removed and a healing and detoxification protocol is implemented.

TWO. If you had breast implants, removed them, and you still have symptoms, it does not mean that it wasn’t or isn’t breast implant illness, although as I mentioned in scenario number one, it doesn’t really matter what you call it. BII/AISA, whatever—> In this case, it’s likely you are in need of a custom healing and detoxification protocol which can support your body to restore function to the systems that experienced damage, as well as help to draw out and flush the body of toxins. Once this has been properly carried out, symptoms will naturally start to dissipate. 

THREE. If you’re here to decide on whether or not you should get breast implants, my advice is obviously going to be not to do it. That said, it is your decision, your right and your body. I support all of that and wish you all the best in making your well informed decision. 

So, if you’re still reading, you’ve likely decided that you have breast implant illness or autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants.

What Now?

Let’s make it simple.

Will you eventually need more details? Probably, yes.

But for now, let’s boil it down to an easy, understandable checklist.

  1. begin preparing your body for surgery
    • yes, this is first, before anything else
    • if you still have implants, you’re going to want to remove them
  2. research and interview surgeons who will perform enbloc total capsulectomy explant surgery
  3. choose a surgeon and schedule surgery
  4. continue preparing for surgery
    • you’ll need to make appropriate adjustments to Diet, Rest, Exercise, Stress management, and Supplementation
  5. explant, rest and transition into a gentle healing protocol to include modified DRESS
  6. once you are cleared by your surgeon, gentle transition into a deeper healing protocol
  7. when you’re ready, transition into your detoxification protocol

And that’s it.

Are there some details missing? YES.

Let me assure you, if the details were a one size fits all, they would be on this page. Unfortunately, BII doesn’t work that way. As it is with most any ailment that borrows deep into the inner workings of each of the body’s systems, before we can fix it, we need to identify where it is. 

If you’re not in a position to hire a skilled practitioner to walk you through these steps, not to worry. I have lots of free information here on my website and more to come, to help guide you in a way I didn’t have when I was on my own. 

However, if you’re done trying to figure it all out on your own, and you’re ready for custom, one on one guidance, I’d like to offer you a free consultation to find out I can help you restore function, heal your body and properly detox from Breast Implant Illness. Click the link below to schedule your free consult today.


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